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An added benefit of membership in ISCA is our MEMBERS ONLY area on the web. This area contains access to our membership rooster.

These pages are password protected. The ONLY  way to get the password is looking in your most recent quarterly edition of the ISCA Journal. It is located under the heading "Attention ISCA Web Site Users" (usually in an advertising section).

That's it. Don't send an e-mail saying I forgot, I'm at school and my Journal is sent to my parent's house, I never got my issue, I threw it out (I don't know why anyone would do this), my dog #$%@$! on it, etc. etc. We hate to sound harsh about this, but we are volunteers just like you doing this website and sending out passwords manually just takes up too much time. Well okay, we might if you come up with a very real and imaginative reason why you need it sent to you e-mail, but we've already heard the ones about having lost it in the corn field and I left it on the space shuttle.



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